martes, 22 de mayo de 2012


Welcome to the Global Convergence Initiative! J

At GCI you don’t need money to help others. The Global Convergence Initiative offers a bridge for cooperative solutions to alleviate global poverty. The GCI is a sponsorship project to help eager individuals in the global south. While many offer solutions at the macro level, we simply wish to bring entrepreneurial solutions to households and families of the global south. With us you will be able to sponsor a micro-entrepreneur without having to disburse any money at all. The Global Convergence Initiative is a cluster for ideas worth spreading and a platform to help the global south by any possible means.

If you believe in the power of a smile to make a change, we invite you to be part of our team. With a simple word of inspiration you can change lives for good and forever.

At GCI we believe that sustainable development should also result from creating bottom- up-perspective solutions. While other organizations are trying to solve complex challenges on international cooperation and sustainable development at the macro level, we simply want to offer a small change to individual lives. And we wish to do so by offering “micro-help” to eager micro-entrepreneurs.

We invite you to join us in creating sponsorship opportunities to those who need it the most, but most importantly: to those who actually welcome our kind of help.

In every society, culture, religion or market, there are those wishing they got everything for free, but there are also those who are working really hard to change their unfair fate and escape poverty by their own means. At GCI we wish to help those who are trying to create their own solutions to escape their unfair constraints.

Our motto is that sponsoring a micro-entrepreneur doesn’t have to be a burden for you. We welcome everyone who wishes to help with a simple word of advice. We believe in the power of your voice and we believe in the butterfly effect of a micro-help to change the world.

Moreover, the Global Convergence Initiative does not function as another intermediary between micro-finance institutions and the global poor. Although we work as one by creating economic opportunities around the world, we specifically welcome projects from enthusiastic individuals and school groups that wish to help in any possible way, shape or form.

Micro-credits are doing an immeasurable job by alleviating poverty. In fact, we are active members of the BlueApple Team at KIVA, having reached hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world. We thank infinitely our partners at KIVA for connecting the dots that really matter.

However, we wish to go one step further and offer a new platform of exchange where every idea, proposal and sponsorship plays a leading role.

At GCI you choose how to help: you may be able to give professional advice on your topic of expertise, or you can simply offer a kind smile.

Additionally, the Global Convergence Initiative is a platform that gives you the opportunity to reveal your own creativity as well. We will help your project become a real solution for convergence. We will also help you find that specific funding opportunity your project needs to become a real policy/endeavor/strategy. There’s always someone like you with the vision and talent to answer somebody else’s needs. There’s also someone out there willing to finance that answer you just crafted. However, empirical evidence demonstrates how challenging it is to find a solution that best matches both entrepreneurial needs and sponsor’s expectations. At GCI we are working to build that bridge.

Your voice may come in the form of an advice to a micro-loaner; It may also come in the shape of a strategy to get a group of micro-loaners started; and it may also come in the way of academic projects that propose real solutions to the global poor on growth and development, e.g. by offering a systemic institutional transformation that could help reduce the actual gap between economic rationality and political rationality (usually one of the main reasons why many great projects, ideas and reforms never bring the expected results).

Many great ideas never find audience or means and thus, are bound to the legendary “should have, would have, could have, didn’t.” The Global Convergence Initiative was born with the hope to connect your ideas, needs and expectations with the right sponsors and audience you’ve been looking for. Perhaps you have just finished your thesis project and unfortunately found no one willing to fund it or publish it, but here you will always be heard and welcome.  At GCI everyone’s invited.

This platform has been designed for both the global south and the global north. Whether you are trying to raise your child and wish to become a home-entrepreneur, but lack the knowledge or confidence; whether you are an eager mind trying to help others, but lack the resources; or whether you are another micro-loaner from the global core like us, and decides to take it one step further and promote a specific initiative for development, then you have landed at the right place.

The Global Convergence Initiative is a cooperative platform where all your ideas will feed on each other’s. There are no competitors here, simply because every one of you add to a better equilibrium. The GCI is the only place where academic contenders, clashing ideas and antagonist models shall converge to generate that butterfly effect the global south requires today.

We invite you to post your links, projects, suggestions and questions with us. Perhaps you simply want to share your research results on the poor mechanisms underlying that naive long-run economic growth expected for that peripheral market you just visited. Or maybe you just wish to comment on the right set of rules, policies and/or institutions that your home country needs today. Or simply you are that eager curious mind dropping by and decided to stay and see beyond your paradigmatic borders how deep the rabbit hole goes. Then this is the right place for you.

The Global Convergence Initiative is a joint venture between you and us; your comments, links, proposals and critiques will help us create real economic opportunities for the global south to escape from dependency and from unequal terms of trade. You will help reduce the actual gap against today's global hegemons. Your very own comment, critique or idea will become the force the global south needs to converge with the global north.

We hope sincerely that The Global Convergence Initiative will be your weapon of choice to help the global poor engage in a real catching up trajectory against the global core.

If you are seeking for answers; if you are offering solutions; if you are proposing ideas worth spreading, the GCI is your platform. Here you will find important information, papers, publications and links that will help you find that specific solution you are looking for. With your help we will generate that awesome joint venture that will change lives for good and forever.

And don't forget to tell us about that revealing situation you've once experienced and/or heard about that ought to be shared.

We need you and we need you to believe that it’s YOU the one who will add to a fair and greater global equilibrium. It is in the sum of all your voices where the real convergence mechanism of tomorrow will arise J

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